It’s a moment of great privilege and honor for me to extend a hearty welcome to all of you at Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar. Established in 2006, it gives me immense pleasure to inform that we have been imparting quality education since inception. I further extend my gratitude to parents and guardians for having entrusted us with the education of their Children. MMC’s rise to prominence has been the result of many factors: the contribution of dedicated staff, the enthusiasm and inventiveness of the Board of Directors and the active engagement of our Government, Partners and Supporters from all walks of life and sectors. However, more importantly, the management, the College Board, as well as the Academic and Administrative staff, have played enormous role in ensuring that the College shine. The College is blessed by hard working and experienced faculty and is well equipped with modern day medical technology which will benefit the new comers in their learning process. Ultimately, you all will achieve the objectives of becoming a good, honest and competent doctors which is a common mission of students and teachers of this institution. You must devote yourselves to learn more about the medical sciences in the process of developing expertise in the different fields of medical sciences and follow the medical ethics, and curriculum to widen your attitude to serve the humanity. You all have chosen great career and I wish you all the best for your journey ahead.

Dr Kirtigiri G. Goswami

Dr Kirtigiri G. Goswami CMS